Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The Meaning of the Cross

Please take some time to mediate on the meaning of the cross. Here are a couple of questions:

  1. What was the ultimate reason Jesus Christ came to us and died on the cross?
  2. What did His death actually do?
  3. Why is this significant for us?
Give some of your thoughts on this!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Fund Raising Schedule

- Rice Heating Bags - on sale now $5.00 for herb-free, $7.00 for herbal (spearmint or rosemary). Needs: make more rice bags.

- Yardsale at Faith Baptist Church in Hollis, NH - Saturday, June 2nd 7:30am to 2:00pm. Food, music, yard sale treasures, rice heating bags, and much more! Needs: yardsale treasures.

- Change for Africa jars - jars already in distribution, some have already been returned. More jars available.

- Faith Baptist Church Youth Group Band benefit coffee house - mid-June (date pending).

- Spaghetti Dinner - late June/early July - need to set date.

- "Night out" - more fancy dinner - idea in the works. Need a coordinator - Haavistos?

- Support letters - already sent out.